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ABSCOUNT — Constant Static Property, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
The number of storyboards in the map.
absoluteCount — Property, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
The number of items in map.
absolutePosition — Property, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
The absolute position of currentStoryboard.
absolutePositionOf(item:any) — method, class impression.persistence.LessonMap
Returns the absolute position of an item.
ABSPOS — Constant Static Property, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
The absolute position of the storyboard in the map.
action — Property, class impression.events.CanvasElementEvent
The value of the action property of canvasElement.
action — Property, class impression.players.CanvasElement
Indicates the action type associated with the object.
actionScriptVersion — Property, class impression.resolver.LoaderInfoEx
The ActionScript version of the loaded SWF file.
active — Property, class impression.players.CanvasElement
Indicates whether the object is active.
active — Property, class impression.resolver.LoaderInfoEx
true if the object is currently loading data.
active — Property, class impression.resolver.SoundEx
true if the object is currently loading data.
active — Property, class impression.resolver.URLLoaderEx
true if the object is currently loading data.
ACTIVE — Static Property, class impression.players.CanvasElementStates
For elements that have an ActionType property value other than jump or displayRange, indicates that the element is active.
add(map:impression.persistence:LessonMap) — method, class impression.persistence.LessonMapCollection
Adds an item to the collection.
add(sb:impression.persistence:Storyboard) — method, class impression.persistence.StoryboardCollection
Adds an item to the collection.
additionalActionsComplete — Property, class impression.players.SimulationPlayer
Indicates whether additional, non-simulation state actions have been completed.
afterRedraw — Event, class impression.utilities.TreeNode
Dispatched after the .redraw() method is invoked.
AFTER_REDRAW — Constant Static Property, class impression.events.TreeNodeDrawEvent
The TreeNodeDrawEvent.AFTER_REDRAW constant defines the value of the type property of an TreeNode draw event object.
alwaysCheckComplete — Property, class impression.players.BasePlayer
Specifies how the object should handle storyboard completion.
alwaysCheckComplete — Property, class impression.players.SimulationPlayer
Specifies how the object should handle storyboard completion.
antiAliasType — Style, class impression.players.RTFPlayer
The type of anti-aliasing used for this text field.
antiAliasType — Style, class impression.players.CanvasElement
Indicates the type of antialiasing that used be used by the text field for text elements.
antiAliasType — Style, class impression.utilities.TreeNode
Indicates the type of antialiasing that will be used by the text field.
append(element:impression.persistence:ChildElement) — method, class impression.persistence.ChildElementCollection
Adds an item to the end of the collection.
append(item:any) — method, class impression.persistence.LessonMap
Appends an item to the map.
appendChild(parent:any, child:any) — method, class impression.persistence.LessonMap
Adds an item as the child of another item in the map.
applicationDomain — Property, class impression.resolver.LoaderInfoEx
When an external SWF file is loaded, all ActionScript 3.0 definitions contained in the loaded class are stored in the applicationDomain property.
AssetData — class, package impression.persistence.properties
The AssetData object stores a filename used to specify an externally loadable file (asset).
AssetData(filename:String, description:String, source:String) — Constructor, class impression.persistence.properties.AssetData
Creates a new instance of the AssetData class.
AssetResolver — class, package impression.resolver
The AssetResolver class provides a common object for resolving media asset filenames to fully qualified URIs and it also provides a single location for loading and monitoring multiple files.
AssetResolver(path:String) — Constructor, class impression.resolver.AssetResolver
Creates a new instance of the AssetResolver class.
AsyncLoadEvent — class, package impression.events
An object dispatches an AsynLoadEvent when asynchronous events occur.
AsyncLoadEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean) — Constructor, class impression.events.AsyncLoadEvent
Creates a new instance of an AsyncLoadEvent object.
asyncSimulationLoadComplete — Event, interface impression.simulation.IAsyncLoad
Dispatch when an ISimulation object has finished loading.
ASYNC_SIMULATION_LOAD_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class impression.events.AsyncLoadEvent
The AsyncLoadEvent.ASYNC_SIMULATION_LOAD_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a simulation load complete event object.
asyncSimulationUILoadComplete — Event, interface impression.simulation.IAsyncLoad
Dispatch when an ISimulationUI object has finished loading.
ASYNC_SIMULATION_UI_LOAD_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class impression.events.AsyncLoadEvent
The AsyncLoadEvent.ASYNC_SIMULATION_UI_LOAD_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a simulation user interface load complete event object.
AT_END — Constant Static Property, class impression.players.SWFVideoPlayer
The playStep() method should stop playback on the last frame of the current step.
AT_START — Constant Static Property, class impression.players.SWFVideoPlayer
The playStep() method should stop playback on the first frame of the next step.
attributeName — Property, class impression.utilities.TreeNode
The name of the attribute in the XML object that contains the text to display for the node.
attributeName — Property, class impression.utilities.TreeView
The name of the attribute in each XML element to use for the associated node's text.
AudioSequencer — class, package impression.players.sequencers
The AudioSequencer class supports the playback of audio sequencer storybords.
AudioSequencer(resolver:impression.resolver:AssetResolver, context:flash.media:SoundLoaderContext, transform:flash.media:SoundTransform) — Constructor, class impression.players.sequencers.AudioSequencer
Creates a new instance of the AudioSequencer.
autoSizeContent — Style, class impression.players.RenderingPlayer
Whether or not the primary asset should be resized when loaded to width x height.
AVM1_LOADED — Static Property, class impression.players.VideoPlayerStatusTypes
The video was loaded, but is an AVM1 movie and cannot be controlled by the player.
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