Classpublic class LessonMapCollection
InheritanceLessonMapCollection Inheritance Object

The LessonMapCollection object is a unordered list of LessonMap objects.

Lesson maps are stored in an array and accessible by either position or name. Initial ordering is not guaranteed. Although not enforced, lesson map names should be unique to ensure retrieval of the correct map.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  defaultMap : LessonMap
The default map in the collection.
  length : Number
[read-only] The number of items in the collection.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates a new instance of the LessonMapCollection class.
Adds an item to the collection.
Removes all items from the collection.
clone(deep:Boolean = true):LessonMapCollection
Returns a copy of the object.
Returns a value indicating whether or not an item exists in the collection.
every(callback:Function, thisObject:* = null, useArrayMethod:Boolean = false):Boolean
Executes a test function on each item in the collection until an item is reached that returns false for the specified function.
filter(callback:Function, thisObject:* = null, useArrayMethod:Boolean = false):LessonMapCollection
Executes a test function on each item in the collection and constructs a new LessonMapCollection for all items that return true for the specified function.
forEach(callback:Function, thisObject:* = null, useArrayMethod:Boolean = false):void
Executes a function on each item in the collection.
[static] Returns a new instance of the LessonMapCollection class based on the data contained in the XML object.
getLocationStatus(location:LocationData, currentStoryboard:*, storyboards:StoryboardCollection, currentMap:LessonMap):String
Returns the aggregate status of a location.
getMapFromLocation(location:LocationData, currentStoryboard:*, currentMap:LessonMap):LessonMap
Returns a LessonMap object based on the location.
Returns the zero-based index of an item in the collection.
Returns an item from the collection.
Removes an item from the collection.
resolveLocation(location:LocationData, currentStoryboard:*, currentMap:LessonMap):LocationData
Returns a resolved version of a LocationData object.
some(callback:Function, thisObject:* = null, useArrayMethod:Boolean = false):Boolean
Executes a test function on each item in the collection until an item is reached that returns true for the specified function.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns an Impression-format XML object containing all the data from the object.
Property Detail

The default map in the collection.

If this value is set to null, there is no default map. If the value is set to a non-null, and the map to be set is not found in the collection, an error is thrown.

If this object was created via the fromXML class constructor, the initial values of the defaultMap property may have been specified from the default attribute of the root <maps> XML object.

    public function get defaultMap():LessonMap
    public function set defaultMap(value:LessonMap):void

ArgumentError — map was not found in the collection (ArgumentError).

See also

length:Number  [read-only]

The number of items in the collection.

    public function get length():Number
Constructor Detail
public function LessonMapCollection()

Creates a new instance of the LessonMapCollection class.

Method Detail
public function add(map:LessonMap):void

Adds an item to the collection.

Note that, although ordering is not implied in the LessonMapCollection, this method appends the item to the end of the collection's internal Array object. If map already exists in the collection, an error is thrown.


map:LessonMap — Required. The item to add to the collection.

ArgumentError — map is already a member of this collection (ArgumentError).
public function clear():void

Removes all items from the collection.

public function clone(deep:Boolean = true):LessonMapCollection

Returns a copy of the object. If the deep parameter is true, a copy of each contained LessonMap object (created using the LessonMap object's clone method) is added to the copy. If the deep parameter is false, a reference to each contained LessonMap object is added to the copy.


deep:Boolean (default = true) — Specifies how the contained LessonMap objects should be added to the copy.

LessonMapCollection — A copy of the object.
public function contains(item:*):Boolean

Returns a value indicating whether or not an item exists in the collection.


item:* — Expression identifying the item to find. item can be one of the following types:
  • String. The method checks for the existance of a LessonMap with a name property value matching item. Note that the search for name is case-insensitive.
  • LessonMap. The method checks for the LessonMap specified by item.

Booleantrue if the item exists in the collection, false otherwise.
public function every(callback:Function, thisObject:* = null, useArrayMethod:Boolean = false):Boolean

Executes a test function on each item in the collection until an item is reached that returns false for the specified function. You use this method to determine whether all items in the collection meet a criterion.

For this method, the second parameter, thisObject, must be null if the first parameter, callback, is a method closure.

If the useArrayMethod parameter is true, this function returns the result of invoking the every method on the LessonMapCollection's internal Array object, using the callback and thisObject parameters. If the useArrayMethod parameter is false, this method iterates through each item in the internal Array, executing the statement

until the result of the call returns false.

If the useArrayMethod parameter is true, the callback function will be invoked with three arguments, the value of an item (a LessonMap object), the index of an item, and the Array object:

If the useArrayMethod parameter is false, the callback function will be invoked with one argument, the value of an item (a LessonMap object):


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the collection. This function can contain a simple comparison or a more complex operation.
thisObject:* (default = null) — An object to use as this for the function.
useArrayMethod:Boolean (default = false) — Indicates how the callback function should be used.

Booleantrue if all items in the collection return true for the specified function; otherwise, false.

See also

public function filter(callback:Function, thisObject:* = null, useArrayMethod:Boolean = false):LessonMapCollection

Executes a test function on each item in the collection and constructs a new LessonMapCollection for all items that return true for the specified function. If an item returns false, it is not included in the new collection.

For this method, the second parameter, thisObject, must be null if the first parameter, callback, is a method closure.

If the useArrayMethod parameter is true, this function returns the result of invoking the every method on the LessonMapCollection's internal Array object, using the callback and thisObject parameters. If the useArrayMethod parameter is false, this method iterates through each item in the internal Array, executing the statement

and appending the value of _list[i] to the new collection if the function returns true.

If the useArrayMethod parameter is true, the callback function will be invoked with three arguments, the value of an item (a LessonMap object), the index of an item, and the Array object:

If the useArrayMethod parameter is false, the callback function will be invoked with one argument, the value of an item (a LessonMap object):

If the return value contains the current collection's defaultMap, the return value's defaultMap property is set to the value of the current collection's defaultMap. Otherwise, if the return value has one or more maps, the first map in the return value is set as the return value's defaultMap. If the return value has no maps, its defaultMap value is null.


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the collection. This function can contain a simple comparison or a more complex operation.
thisObject:* (default = null) — An object to use as this for the function.
useArrayMethod:Boolean (default = false) — Indicates how the callback function should be used.

LessonMapCollection — A new LessonMapCollection that contains all the items from the original collection that returned true.

See also

public function forEach(callback:Function, thisObject:* = null, useArrayMethod:Boolean = false):void

Executes a function on each item in the collection.

For this method, the second parameter, thisObject, must be null if the first parameter, callback, is a method closure.

If the useArrayMethod parameter is true, this function returns the result of invoking the every method on the LessonMapCollection's internal Array object, using the callback and thisObject parameters. If the useArrayMethod parameter is false, this method iterates through each item in the internal Array, executing the statement

If the useArrayMethod parameter is true, the callback function will be invoked with three arguments, the value of an item (a LessonMap object), the index of an item, and the Array object:

If the useArrayMethod parameter is false, the callback function will be invoked with one argument, the value of an item (a LessonMap object):


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the collection. This function can contain a simple comparison or a more complex operation.
thisObject:* (default = null) — An object to use as this for the function.
useArrayMethod:Boolean (default = false) — Indicates how the callback function should be used.

See also

public static function fromXML(source:XML):LessonMapCollection

Returns a new instance of the LessonMapCollection class based on the data contained in the XML object.

If source is null, an empty LessonMapCollection object is returned. If the property is not "maps", an error is thrown.

The XML format of a LessonMapCollection object is:

Where [map xml] is a valid LessonMap XML property value.

This method iterates through the direct children of the node. If any child node's name property is "map", a LessonMap object (created by invoking the LessonMap.fromXML class constructor with the child node) is added to the collection.

If the default attribute is not present, is the empty string (""), or references an item not in the collection, this method will set the default map to be the first map added from the XML source.

Although no ordering is implied in the LessonMapCollection, LessonMap objects are added to the collection in the order in which they appear in the XML.


source:XML — The object containing the data to use.

LessonMapCollection — A LessonMapCollection object containing the data from the source XML object.

ArgumentError node — is not a <maps> element (ArgumentError).

See also

public function getLocationStatus(location:LocationData, currentStoryboard:*, storyboards:StoryboardCollection, currentMap:LessonMap):String

Returns the aggregate status of a location.

This method returns a LocationStatusTypes value based on the values of the storyboards that fall into the range specified by location in the map.

The method resolves location and uses the resolved object to build a collection of storyboards that fall between (and include) the startPoint and endPoint of the location. Each storyboard, if available, is examined to determine the return value.

If all storyboards have a complete Boolean persisted property value of true, this method returns LocationStatusTypes.COMPLETE. Otherwise, if any storyboard has an initialized Boolean persisted property value of true, this method returns LocationStatusTypes.INITIALIZED. Otherwise, if there is at least one storyboard in the resolved collection, this method returns LocationStatusTypes.DEFAULT. Otherwise, if there are no storyboards in the resolved collection, this method returns LocationStatusTypes.NOT_AVAILABLE.

If either the location parameter or the storyboards parameter is null, this method returns LocationStatusTypes.UNKNOWN.

This routine uses the map property of the location parameter to determine which map should be used to resolve the location, according to the following rules:


location:LocationData — The location to return the aggregate status of.
currentStoryboard:* — An expression identifying the current location to use when looking up relative locations. currentStoryboard can be one of the following types:
  • String. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching currentStoryboard.
  • Storyboard. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching currentStoryboard's sbid property value.
  • [other types]. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching the result of calling impression.utilities.TypeUtils.getString with currentStoryboard.
storyboards:StoryboardCollection — The storyboards to use to determine the return value.
currentMap:LessonMap — The current map.

String — A LocationStatusTypes value identifying the aggregate status of the storyboards.

See also

public function getMapFromLocation(location:LocationData, currentStoryboard:*, currentMap:LessonMap):LessonMap

Returns a LessonMap object based on the location.

This method resolves the location parameter, then returns a subset of the map from (and including) the resolved location's startPoint and endPoint values. The returned map attempts to preserve as much of the hierarchical structure as possible.

If location is null, an empty map is returned.

This routine uses the map property of the location parameter to determine which map should be used to resolve the location, according to the following rules:


location:LocationData — The location to build a map of.
currentStoryboard:* — An expression identifying the current location to use when looking up relative locations. currentStoryboard can be one of the following types:
  • String. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching currentStoryboard.
  • Storyboard. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching currentStoryboard's sbid property value.
  • [other types]. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching the result of calling impression.utilities.TypeUtils.getString with currentStoryboard.
currentMap:LessonMap — The current map.

LessonMap — A LessonMap object containing the subset of the map that falls within the location.

See also

public function indexOf(item:*):Number

Returns the zero-based index of an item in the collection.


item:* — Expression identifying the item to find. item can be one of the following types:
  • String. The method returns the index of the first LessonMap found with a name property value matching item. Note that the search for name is case-insensitive.
  • LessonMap. The method returns the index of the LessonMap specified by item.

Number — The zero-based index position of the item within the collection. If item is not found, then -1 is returned.
public function item(identifier:*):LessonMap

Returns an item from the collection.


identifier:* — Expression identifying the LessonMap to return. item can be one of the following types:
  • String. The method returns the first LessonMap found with a name property value matching item. Note that the search for name is case-insensitive.
  • numeric type. The method returns the LessonMap found at the 0-based index specified by item.

Any other type will result in this method returning null.

LessonMap — The first LessonMap found that matches item, or null if a map could not be found.

See also

public function remove(item:*):void

Removes an item from the collection.


item:* — Expression identifying the item to remove. item can be one of the following types:
  • String. The method removes the first LessonMap found with a name property value matching item. Note that the search for name is case-insensitive.
  • LessonMap. The method removes the LessonMap specified by item.
  • numeric type. The method removes the LessonMap found at the 0-based index specified by item.

See also

public function resolveLocation(location:LocationData, currentStoryboard:*, currentMap:LessonMap):LocationData

Returns a resolved version of a LocationData object.

This routine examines the location parameter object and replaces any relative locations specified with absolute sbid values, using the currentStoryboard parameter as the current item. If necessary, the startPoint and endPoint values are swapped to ensure that the absolute position of startPoint is greater than the absolute position of endPoint. If a relative location cannot be resolved, it is removed, and the returned object will reference a single location.

This routine uses the map property of the location parameter to determine which map should be used to resolve the location, according to the following rules:


location:LocationData — The LocationData object to resolve.
currentStoryboard:* — An expression identifying the current location to use when looking up relative locations. currentStoryboard can be one of the following types:
  • String. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching currentStoryboard.
  • Storyboard. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching currentStoryboard's sbid property value.
  • [other types]. The method uses the first node with an sbid attribute matching the result of calling impression.utilities.TypeUtils.getString with currentStoryboard.
currentMap:LessonMap — The current map.

LocationData — A LocationData object containing the resolved version of the location parameter.

See also

public function some(callback:Function, thisObject:* = null, useArrayMethod:Boolean = false):Boolean

Executes a test function on each item in the collection until an item is reached that returns true for the specified function. You use this method to determine whether any items in the collection meet a criterion.

For this method, the second parameter, thisObject, must be null if the first parameter, callback, is a method closure.

If the useArrayMethod parameter is true, this function returns the result of invoking the every method on the LessonMapCollection's internal Array object, using the callback and thisObject parameters. If the useArrayMethod parameter is false, this method iterates through each item in the internal Array, executing the statement

until the result of the call returns false.

If the useArrayMethod parameter is true, the callback function will be invoked with three arguments, the value of an item (a LessonMap object), the index of an item, and the Array object:

If the useArrayMethod parameter is false, the callback function will be invoked with one argument, the value of an item (a LessonMap object):


callback:Function — The function to run on each item in the collection. This function can contain a simple comparison or a more complex operation.
thisObject:* (default = null) — An object to use as this for the function.
useArrayMethod:Boolean (default = false) — Indicates how the callback function should be used.

Booleantrue if any items in the collection return true for the specified function; otherwise, false.

See also

public function toString():String

Returns the string representation of the specified object.

String — The string representation of the specified object.
public function toXML():XML

Returns an Impression-format XML object containing all the data from the object.

XML — An XML object containing all the data from the object.

See also