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valid — Property, class impression.players.MatchingQuestionDetails
Indicates whether the persisted property value of the question is valid.
valid — Property, class impression.players.MatchingResponseDetails
Indicates whether the persisted property value of the response is valid.
value — Property, class impression.players.MatchingQuestionDetails
The persisted property value of the question.
value — Property, class impression.players.MatchingResponseDetails
The persisted property value of the response.
verifyError — Event, class impression.players.CanvasElement
Dispatched when the element encounters an error while loading a graphic.
verifyError — Event, class impression.players.RenderingPlayer
Dispatched when some type of input or output failure occurs.
videoEnterFrame — Event, class impression.players.SWFVideoPlayer
Dispatched when the ENTER_FRAME event of the current step clip is dispatched.
VideoFrameEvent — class, package impression.events
The SWFVideoPlayer dispatches a VideoFrame object when the ENTER_FRAME event of a video step clip is dispatched.
VideoFrameEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, currentStep:int, totalSteps:int, currentStepClip:flash.display:MovieClip, currentFrame:int, totalFrames:int) — Constructor, class impression.events.VideoFrameEvent
Creates a new instance of a VideoFrameEvent object.
VideoPlayerStatusTypes — class, package impression.players
The VideoPlayerStatusTypes class defines values for the status property of the SWFVideoPlayer object.
videoStatusChange — Event, class impression.players.SWFVideoPlayer
Dispatched when the status of the animation changes.
VideoStatusEvent — class, package impression.events
The SWFVideoPlayer dispatches a VideoStatusEvent object when a status change occurs.
VideoStatusEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, sb:impression.persistence:Storyboard, previousStep:int, currentStep:int, totalSteps:int, status:String) — Constructor, class impression.events.VideoStatusEvent
Creates a new instance of a VideoStatusEvent object.
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