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padding — Style, class impression.utilities.TreeView
The padding between the nodes and the edges of the TreeView, in pixels.
padding — Style, class impression.utilities.TreeNode
The padding between the outermost edges of the icon and text and the TreeNode when the node is not selected, in pixels.
parameters — Property, class impression.resolver.LoaderInfoEx
An object that contains name-value pairs that represent the parameters provided to the loaded SWF file.
parent — Property, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
Returns the parent of currentStoryboard.
PARENT — Constant Static Property, class impression.persistence.properties.RelativeLocations
The parent of the current location, or null if the current location does not have a parent.
parentAllowsChild — Property, class impression.resolver.LoaderInfoEx
Expresses the trust relationship from Loader (parent) to the content (child).
parentOf(item:any, storyboards:impression.persistence:StoryboardCollection) — method, class impression.persistence.LessonMap
Returns the parent of an item.
parentOf(sb:impression.persistence:Storyboard) — method, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
Returns the parent of an item.
path — Property, class impression.resolver.AssetResolver
The base URI for assets.
pause() — method, class impression.players.SWFVideoPlayer
Pauses or resumes playback at the current location.
pause() — method, class impression.players.sequencers.AudioSequencer
Pauses or resumes playback of the audio file.
pause() — method, class impression.players.sequencers.TimeSequencer
Pauses or resumes playback.
PAUSED — Static Property, class impression.players.sequencers.SequencerStatusTypes
The audio file is not playing, or the timer is inactive.
PAUSED_TO_END — Static Property, class impression.players.VideoPlayerStatusTypes
Playback has paused while playing all steps in sequence.
PersistedPropertiesCollection — class, package impression.persistence
The PersistedPropertiesCollection (PPC) object is an associative array (or hash table) of object name-value pairs uniquely indexed by case-insensitive names.
PersistedPropertiesCollection(name:String) — Constructor, class impression.persistence.PersistedPropertiesCollection
Creates a new instance of the PersistedPropertiesCollection class.
pixelSize — Property, class impression.persistence.properties.FontData
The recommended pixel size of the object.
play() — method, class impression.players.sequencers.AudioSequencer
Begins or resumes playback of the audio file.
play() — method, class impression.players.sequencers.TimeSequencer
Begins or resumes playback.
PLAYING — Static Property, class impression.players.sequencers.SequencerStatusTypes
The audio file is playing, or the timer is active.
PLAYING_STEP — Static Property, class impression.players.VideoPlayerStatusTypes
The current step of the video is playing.
PLAYING_TO_END — Static Property, class impression.players.VideoPlayerStatusTypes
The video is playing all steps in sequence.
PLAY_SOUND — Static Property, class impression.players.CanvasElementActionTypes
Interacting with the element should cause the shell to play a sound.
playStep() — method, class impression.players.SWFVideoPlayer
Plays the current step.
playToEnd() — method, class impression.players.SWFVideoPlayer
Plays all steps, in sequence, from the current step without stopping.
pointSizeToPixelSize(pointSize:Number) — Static Method , class impression.persistence.properties.FontData
Returns a number indicating the recommended pixel size for a given point size (or emSize).
POPUP_GRAPHIC — Static Property, class impression.players.CanvasElementActionTypes
Interacting with the element should cause the shell to display a graphic.
POPUP_TEXT — Static Property, class impression.players.CanvasElementActionTypes
Interacting with the element should cause the shell to display additional text.
position — Property, class impression.players.sequencers.AudioSequencer
Returns or sets the position in the audio file.
position — Property, class impression.players.sequencers.CommandSequencer
The position of the sequencer.
position — Property, class impression.players.sequencers.TimeSequencer
Returns or sets the position in the audio file.
prependChild(parent:any, child:any) — method, class impression.persistence.LessonMap
Adds an item as the first child of another item in the map.
previousLinear — Property, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
Returns the previous linear storyboard of currentStoryboard.
PREVIOUS_LINEAR — Constant Static Property, class impression.persistence.properties.RelativeLocations
Ignoring hierarchy, the previous item "up" from the current location.
previousLinearOf(item:any, storyboards:impression.persistence:StoryboardCollection) — method, class impression.persistence.LessonMap
Returns the previuos linear value of an item.
previousLinearOf(sb:impression.persistence:Storyboard) — method, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
Returns the previous linear storyboard of an item.
previousSibling — Property, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
Returns the previous sibling of currentStoryboard.
PREVIOUS_SIBLING — Constant Static Property, class impression.persistence.properties.RelativeLocations
The previous sibling of the current location, or null if the current location has no previous sibling.
previousSiblingOf(item:any, storyboards:impression.persistence:StoryboardCollection) — method, class impression.persistence.LessonMap
Returns the previous sibling of an item.
previousSiblingOf(sb:impression.persistence:Storyboard) — method, class impression.utilities.LessonMapController
Returns the previous sibling of an item.
previousStep — Property, class impression.events.VideoStatusEvent
The previous step displayed by the player.
progress — Event, class impression.resolver.LoaderInfoEx
Dispatched when data is received as the download operation progresses.
progress — Event, class impression.resolver.ResolverInfo
Dispatched when data is received as a download operation progresses for any item within the scope of the ResolverInfo object.
properties — Property, class impression.persistence.Lesson
The object's properties collection.
properties — Property, class impression.persistence.Storyboard
The object's persisted properties collection.
propertyName — Property, class impression.players.MatchingQuestionDetails
The storyboard persisted property name of the question; for example, "Question1".
propertyName — Property, class impression.players.MatchingResponseDetails
The storyboard persisted property name of the response; for example, "Answer1" or "Distractor".
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