Classpublic class MatchingPlayer
InheritanceMatchingPlayer Inheritance BasePlayer Inheritance

The MatchingPlayer class supports playback of matching type storyboards, including matching text to text, matching text to graphics, matching graphics to text, and matching graphics to graphics. A matching storyboard consists of up to five question-answer pairs and a single response distractor. These properties are assigned position indicies, which are used to determine the onscreen ordering of the items.

Once the questions and responses have been placed onscreen, the user will select a question to answer, then select a response. Once one or more questions have been answered, the responses can be evaulated and scored.

The MatchingPlayer class is a face-based player; all drawing and interaction is handled by the shell. Like most face-based players, the MatchingPlayer class is designed to encapsulate the logic required to manage matching questions and make the development of matching question interfaces as simple as possible.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedalwaysCheckComplete : Boolean
Specifies how the object should handle storyboard completion.
  correct : Boolean
[read-only] true if all questions have been correctly evaulated, false else.
  extendedDistractors : Boolean
Specifies how the class should handle selection of invalid question and response indices.
  isPracticeQuestion : Boolean
[read-only] true if the question is marked as a practice question, false else.
  maximumDistractors : int
[static] Indicates the maximum number of distractors to be processed.
  maximumQuestions : int
[static] Indicates the maximum number of question/answer pairs to be processed.
 InheritednarrationComplete : Boolean
Indicates whether narration has finished playing.
  resetEvaluationOnSelection : Boolean
Specifies how the class should handle selection of previously evaulated questions.
  selectedQuestionIndex : Number
[read-only] The index of the currently selected question.
  selectionsComplete : Boolean
[read-only] true if all questions that have not yet been evaluated have a selected response and at least one question has not yet been evaluated; false else.
  status : String
[read-only] The aggregate status of the questions in the current storyboard.
  storyboard : Storyboard
[override] Specifies the storyboard for the player.
  strictSelection : Boolean
Specifies how the class should handle selection of invalid question and response indices.
  totalQuestions : Number
[read-only] The total number of valid questions in the current storyboard.
  totalResponses : Number
[read-only] The total number of valid responses in the current storyboard.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Creates a new instance of the MatchingPlayer.
Causes the player to examine the completion criteria for the current storyboard.
Returns detailed information about the question at index.
Returns detailed information about the response at index.
Evaluates the selected responses.
[static] Creates a string describing the state of the storyboard.
Returns a MatchingSummary object containing aggregate information about the storyboard.
Returns the index of the propertyName.
Identifies whether the question at index is locked.
Identifies whether the response at index is locked.
Locks all questions.
Locks all questions that have been correctly evaluated.
Returns the persisted property name of the question at index.
questionValueAt(index:Number, defaultValue:*):*
Returns the persisted property value of the question at index.
Resets the selected and evaluated response properties for each question that has been evaulated and is not correct.
Resets the selected and evaluated reponse for the question at questionIndex.
Resets the selected and evaluated response properties for each question.
[static] Removes all properties set by the player.
Returns the persisted property name of the response at index.
responseValueAt(index:Number, defaultValue:*):*
Returns the persisted property value of the response at index.
Selects the question at index.
Selects the response at index for the currently selected question.
setQuestionLockAt(index:Number, locked:Boolean):void
Sets or clears the lock for the question at index.
setStoryboardState(sb:Storyboard, state:String):void
[static] Modifies the storyboard to match the described state passed.
Unlocks all questions.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
[override] Initializes the storyboard.
[override] Loads the storyboard.
[override] Removes known completion criteria from the CompleteRemaining storyboard persisted property.
Performs cleanup actions when a storyboard is unloaded.
 Event Summary Defined By
 InheritedDispatched when the BasePlayer needs to resolve completion criteria beyond those defined for the class.BasePlayer
 InheritedDispatched when a storyboard is marked as complete.BasePlayer
 InheritedDispatched after a storyboard is initialized.BasePlayer
 InheritedDispatched when storyboard loading is complete.BasePlayer
 InheritedDispatched when a storyboard is loaded, but before any processing occurs.BasePlayer
  Dispatched when the evaluate() method is invoked.MatchingPlayer
  Dispatched when a selection is changed, or when the storyboard is first loaded.MatchingPlayer
 InheritedDispatched before a storyboard is unloaded.BasePlayer
Property Detail
correct:Boolean  [read-only]

true if all questions have been correctly evaulated, false else. If the storyboard property value is null, false is returned.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's Correct persisted property.

    public function get correct():Boolean

Specifies how the class should handle selection of invalid question and response indices.

If this property value is true, the MatchingPlayer will treat non-empty questions with an empty answer and non-empty answers with an empty question as additional distractors.

The default value is false.

    public function get extendedDistractors():Boolean
    public function set extendedDistractors(value:Boolean):void
isPracticeQuestion:Boolean  [read-only]

true if the question is marked as a practice question, false else. If the storyboard property value is null, true is returned.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's IsPracticeQuestion persisted property.

    public function get isPracticeQuestion():Boolean

Indicates the maximum number of distractors to be processed.

Note that if this value is 1, the only distractor property processed will be "Distractor". If this value is greater than 1, the player will process properties named "Distractor[n-1]" where [n] is a number between 1 and maximumDistractors.

The default value is 1.

    public static function get maximumDistractors():int
    public static function set maximumDistractors(value:int):void

Indicates the maximum number of question/answer pairs to be processed.

The default value is 5.

    public static function get maximumQuestions():int
    public static function set maximumQuestions(value:int):void

Specifies how the class should handle selection of previously evaulated questions.

If this property value is true, when a new response is selected for a question that already has an evaulated response, the evaluated response is no longer associated with the question. If this property value is false, no action is taken.

The default value is true.

    public function get resetEvaluationOnSelection():Boolean
    public function set resetEvaluationOnSelection(value:Boolean):void
selectedQuestionIndex:Number  [read-only]

The index of the currently selected question. If the storyboard property value is null, -1 is returned. If no question has been selected, 0 is returned.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's SelectedQuestionIndex persisted property.

    public function get selectedQuestionIndex():Number
selectionsComplete:Boolean  [read-only]

true if all questions that have not yet been evaluated have a selected response and at least one question has not yet been evaluated; false else. If the storyboard property value is null, false is returned.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's SelectionsComplete persisted property.

    public function get selectionsComplete():Boolean
status:String  [read-only]

The aggregate status of the questions in the current storyboard. If the storyboard property value is null, the empty string ("") is returned. This value will be one of the QuestionStatusTypes constant values.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's Status persisted property.

    public function get status():String

See also


Specifies the storyboard for the player.

If null is passed, the current storyboard is unloaded, the StoryboardEvent.UNLOAD event is dispatched, and no further action occurs.

If a non- null storyboard object is passed, the following actions occur, in order:

  1. If the previously loaded storyboard is not null, the StoryboardEvent.UNLOAD event is dispatched. If the event is not cancelled, the current storyboard is unloaded. If the event is cancelled, further processing stops.
  2. The StoryboardEvent.LOAD_START event is dispatched. If the event is not cancelled, the new storyboard is associated with the player. If the event is cancelled, further processing stops and the value of this property is set to null.
  3. If the value of the new storyboard's Initialized persisted property is false, the storyboard is initialized and the StoryboardEvent.INITIALIZE event is dispatched.
  4. The MatchingSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE event is dispatched.
  5. The StoryboardEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE event is dispatched.
  6. The checkForComplete() method is invoked. If all completion criteria have been met, the StoryboardEvent.COMPLETE event is dispatched.

    public function get storyboard():Storyboard
    public function set storyboard(value:Storyboard):void

See also


Specifies how the class should handle selection of invalid question and response indices.

If this property value is true, invoking the selectQuestionAt() or selectResponseAt() methods causes the player to examine the value of the question or response at the passed index prior to selection. If the index paramter is invalid, or the question or response at index is null, the empty string (""), or an AssetData object whose filename member value is null or the empty string, no action is taken. If this property value is false, no additional checks are performed.

The default value is true.

    public function get strictSelection():Boolean
    public function set strictSelection(value:Boolean):void

See also

totalQuestions:Number  [read-only]

The total number of valid questions in the current storyboard. If the storyboard property value is null, -1 is returned.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's TotalQuestions persisted property.

    public function get totalQuestions():Number
totalResponses:Number  [read-only]

The total number of valid responses in the current storyboard. If the storyboard property value is null, -1 is returned.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's TotalResponses persisted property.

    public function get totalResponses():Number
Constructor Detail
public function MatchingPlayer()

Creates a new instance of the MatchingPlayer.

Method Detail
public function detailsOfQuestionAt(index:Number):MatchingQuestionDetails

Returns detailed information about the question at index. If no question can be found at index, the returned object will contain default values.


index:Number — The index of the question to return detailed information for.

MatchingQuestionDetails — A MatchingQuestionDetails object containing detailed information for the question at index.

See also

public function detailsOfResponseAt(index:Number):MatchingResponseDetails

Returns detailed information about the response at index. If no response can be found at index, the returned object will contain default values.


index:Number — The index of the response to return detailed information for.

MatchingResponseDetails — A MatchingResponseDetails object containing detailed information for the response at index.

See also

public function evaluate():void

Evaluates the selected responses.

Invoking this method causes the selected response index associated with each question to be cleared, and the evaluated response index associated with each question to be set to the selected response index, assuming the question had a non-zero selected reponse index value. The Question[n]Correct storyboard persisted property is set to true if the evaluated response index of each question matches the question's answer. Summary information is updated, and a MatchingEvaluateEvent.EVALUATE event is dispatched. If the selectedQuestionIndex property value is greater than 0, it is reset to 0 (indicating no question is selected), and the player dispatches a MatchingSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE event.

See also

public static function getStoryboardState(sb:Storyboard):String

Creates a string describing the state of the storyboard.

This method returns a multiple-character string to describe the state of the storyboard. The size of the string will depend on the number of question/answer pairs and distractors, as well as the aggregate state. Index data, selected/evaluated response data, and scoring data are all included (or can be recreated from) the state string. Lock information is not included. The returned string may contain upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and the dot (.) character.

Note that this string only describes the state that the player is aware of. If the shell stores additional data in the storyboard, it is the shell's responsibility to store the additional data if it is needed.


sb:Storyboard — The storyboard to describe the state of.

String — The state of the storyboard.

See also

public function getSummary():MatchingSummary

Returns a MatchingSummary object containing aggregate information about the storyboard.

MatchingSummary — A MatchingSummary object containing aggregate information about the storyboard.

See also

public function indexOf(propertyName:String):Number

Returns the index of the propertyName. If the storyboard property value is null, -1 is returned. If propertyName is null or the empty string (""), 0 is returned. If no index value can be found for propertyName, -1 is returned.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's [propertyName]Index persisted property.


propertyName:String — The property name to return the index of.

Number — The index of propertyName.
override protected function initializeStoryboard():void

Initializes the storyboard.

This method is invoked by the storyboard property set method when a non-null storyboard object is loaded and its Initialized persisted property value is false. The storyboard property set method will dispatch the initialized event after invoking this method.

The MatchingPlayer initializes a storyboard by performing the following actions:

See also

public function isQuestionAtLocked(index:Number):Boolean

Identifies whether the question at index is locked.

A locked question cannot be selected. If the storyboard property value is null, this method returns true. This method uses the current storyboard's Question[n]Locked persisted property.


index:Number — The index of the question to retrieve the lock status of.

Booleantrue if the question is locked, false else.

See also

public function isResponseAtLocked(index:Number):Boolean

Identifies whether the response at index is locked.

A response is considered locked if the index of the response matches the selected response index or the evaluated response index of a question that is locked. If the storyboard property value is null, this method returns true. If no question can be found with a selected or evaluated response index matching index, this method returns false.


index:Number — The index of the response to retrieve the lock status of.

Booleantrue if the response is locked, false else.

See also

override protected function loadStoryboard():void

Loads the storyboard.

This method is invoked by the storyboard property set method when a non-null storyboard object is loaded after initialization (if needed) occurs.

When loading a storyboard, the MatchingPlayer performs the following actions:

See also

public function lockAll():void

Locks all questions.

See also

public function lockCorrect():void

Locks all questions that have been correctly evaluated.

See also

public function questionAt(index:Number):String

Returns the persisted property name of the question at index. If the storyboard property value is null, index is less than 1, or no question property can be found at index, the empty string (quot;quot;) is returned.

The return value (if not the empty string) will be of the form "Question[n]", where [n] is a value between 1 and MatchingPlayer.maximumQuestions. This method uses the [Question[n]]Index persisted property value of the current storyboard.


index:Number — The index to retrieve the question's persisted property name of.

String — The property name of the question at index.
public function questionValueAt(index:Number, defaultValue:*):*

Returns the persisted property value of the question at index. If the storyboard property value is null, index is less than 1, or no question property can be found at index, the defaultValue is returned.

This method uses the [Question[n]]Index persisted property value of the current storyboard.


index:Number — The index to retrieve the question's persisted property value of.
defaultValue:* — A default value to return if the property at index cannot be found.

* — The property value of the question at index, or defaultValue.
override protected function removeCompleteRemainingCriteria():void

Removes known completion criteria from the CompleteRemaining storyboard persisted property.

This method is invoked by the checkForComplete() method if the value of the storyboard property is not null, and the complete event has not been dispatched since the storyboard was loaded.

In addition to the substrings processed by the BasePlayer, the MatchingPlayer will remove the following substrings from the completeRemaining persisted property:

answerCorrect;The value of the correct property is true.
answerEvaluated;All questions have an evaluated response.

See also

public function resetIncorrectResponses():void

Resets the selected and evaluated response properties for each question that has been evaulated and is not correct.

This method performs the same functions as the resetResponseAt() method for each question whose [Question[n]]Correct persisted property value is false. If any properties are removed, the player will dispatch a MatchingSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE event.

See also

public function resetResponseAt(questionIndex:Number):void

Resets the selected and evaluated reponse for the question at questionIndex.

If questionIndex does not reference a valid question, invoking this method has no effect. This method removes the current storyboard's [Question[n]]SelectedResponseIndex, [Question[n]]EvaluatedResponseIndex, and [Question[n]]Correct persisted property values, if present. Summary information is updated, and if any of the above properties are removed, the player will dispatch a MatchingSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE event.


questionIndex:Number — The index of the question to reset the responses of.

See also

public function resetResponses():void

Resets the selected and evaluated response properties for each question.

This method removes the the current storyboard's [Question[n]]SelectedResponseIndex, [Question[n]]EvaluatedResponseIndex, and [Question[n]]Correct persisted property values, if present. Summary information is updated, and if any of the above properties are removed, the player will dispatch a MatchingSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE event.

See also

public static function resetStoryboard(sb:Storyboard):void

Removes all properties set by the player.

Note that this method also removes interim completion properties used by the player, but not necessarily set by the player.


sb:Storyboard — The storyboard to remove properties from.

This method removes the following properties from a storyboard:

  • Initialized
  • CompleteRemaining
  • Complete
  • NarrationComplete
  • The Complete property of each ChildElement object in the storyboard's Commands ChildElementCollection property, if it exists.
  • DistractorValid
  • DistractorIndex (if the ResponseIndexesGenerated persisted property value was true)
  • TotalQuestions
  • TotalResponses
  • QuestionIndexesGenerated
  • ResponseIndexesGenerated
  • TotalSelected
  • TotalEvaluated
  • TotalCorrect
  • TotalIncorrect
  • Correct
  • Status
  • SelectionsComplete
  • SelectedQuestionIndex

For values of [n] between 1 and MatchingPlayer.maximumQuestions, the following properties will be removed:

  • Question[n]Valid
  • Question[n]Index (if the QuestionIndexesGenerated persisted property value was true)
  • Question[n]SelectedResponseIndex
  • Question[n]EvaluatedResponseIndex
  • Question[n]Correct
  • Question[n]Locked
  • Answer[n]Valid
  • Answer[n]Index (if the ResponseIndexesGenerated persisted property value was true)

For values of [n] between 2 and MatchingPlayer.maximumDistractors, the following properties will be removed:

  • Distractor[n-1]Valid
  • Distractor[n-1]Index (if the ResponseIndexesGenerated persisted property value was false)

See also

public function responseAt(index:Number):String

Returns the persisted property name of the response at index. If the storyboard property value is null, index is less than 1, or no response property can be found at index, the empty string (quot;quot;) is returned.

The return value (if not the empty string) will be of the form "Answer[n]", where [n] is a value between 1 and MatchingPlayer.maximumQuestions, "Distractor", or "Distractor[n]" where [n] is a value between 1 and MatchingPlayer.maximumDistractors - 1. This method uses the [Answer[n]]Index and DistractorIndex persisted property values of the current storyboard.


index:Number — The index to retrieve the response's persisted property name of.

String — The property name of the response at index.
public function responseValueAt(index:Number, defaultValue:*):*

Returns the persisted property value of the response at index. If the storyboard property value is null, index is less than 1, or no response property can be found at index, the defaultValue is returned.

This method uses the [Answer[n]]Index and DistractorIndex persisted property values of the current storyboard.


index:Number — The index to retrieve the response's persisted property value of.
defaultValue:* — A default value to return if the property at index cannot be found.

* — The property value of the response at index, or defaultValue.
public function selectQuestionAt(index:Number):void

Selects the question at index.

Only one question can be selected at a time. Invoking this method will cause the currently selected question to be unselected. Passing a value of 0 for index will unselect all questions.

If the question at index is locked, the storyboard property value is null, or the strictSelection property value is true and the question at index does not exist or is empty, invoking this method has no effect.

Invoking this method sets the current storyboard's SelectedQuestionIndex persisted property value to index, and causes the player to update the summary information for the storyboard and to dispatch a MatchingSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE event.


index:Number — The index of the question to select.

See also

public function selectResponseAt(index:Number):void

Selects the response at index for the currently selected question.

If no question is selected, the response at index is locked, the selected question is locked, the storyboard property value is null, or the strictSelection property value is true and the response at index does not exist or is empty, invoking this method has no effect.

Invoking this method will remove the previously selected response from the selected question. The selected response will also be removed from any questions (other than the currently selected question) that identify the reponse as their selected response or evaulated response. This may result in the aggregate status and/or scoring information to be changed.

Once the response is associated with the selected question, the current storyboard's SelectedQuestionIndex persisted property is set to 0 (indicating no selection), and the current storyboard's [Question[n]]SelectedResponseIndex persisted property is set to index. The player will also dispatch a MatchingSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE event.


index:Number — The index of the response to select for the currently selected question.

See also

public function setQuestionLockAt(index:Number, locked:Boolean):void

Sets or clears the lock for the question at index.

If the storyboard property value is null, or no question can be found at index, invoking this method has no effect.

This method returns the value of the current storyboard's Question[n]Locked persisted property.


index:Number — The index of the question to set or clear the lock of.
locked:Boolean — The lock state to set.

public static function setStoryboardState(sb:Storyboard, state:String):void

Modifies the storyboard to match the described state passed.

If the value of state indicates a completed storyboard, interim completion criteria will be marked as complete in addition to the overall storyboard state.

State values created using a function other than getStoryboardState may not work.


sb:Storyboard — The Storyboard object to modify.
state:String — A String created using the getStoryboardState() method containing the state to restore.

See also

public function unlockAll():void

Unlocks all questions.

See also

Event Detail
matchingEvaluate Event
Event Object Type:
MatchingEvaluateEvent.type property =

Dispatched when the evaluate() method is invoked.

The MatchingEvaluateEvent.EVALUATE constant defines the value of the type property of a matching evaluate event object. This event has the following properties:
cancelablefalse; there is no default behavior to cancel.
currentTargetThe object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener.
targetThe object that raised the event.
sbThe Storyboard object assigned to the target.
statusA QuestionStatusTypes enumeration describing the current status of the storyboard.
correctIndicates whether or not all question/answer pairs were correctly evaluated.
totalCorrectThe number of valid questions evaluated as correct.
totalIncorrectThe number of valid questions evaluated as incorrect.

See also

matchingSelectionChange Event  
Event Object Type:
MatchingSelectionEvent.type property =

Dispatched when a selection is changed, or when the storyboard is first loaded.

The MatchingSelectionEvent.SELECTION_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a matching selection event object. This event has the following properties:
cancelablefalse; there is no default behavior to cancel.
currentTargetThe object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener.
targetThe object that raised the event.
sbThe Storyboard object assigned to the target.
questionIndexThe index of the selected question.
responseIndexThe index of the selected response.
selectionsCompleteIndicates whether or not all valid questions have a selected response.

See also