Classpublic class CheckForCompleteEvent
InheritanceCheckForCompleteEvent Inheritance StoryboardEvent Inheritance

A player object dispatches a CheckForCompleteEvent object when the player needs to resolve completion criteria beyond those defined for the player.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  completeRemaining : String
The completion criteria not yet met by the storyboard.
  completeWhen : String
[read-only] The completion criteria required for the storyboard.
 Inheritedsb : Storyboard
[read-only] The Storyboard object assigned to the target.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
CheckForCompleteEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false, sb:Storyboard = null, completeWhen:String = null, completeRemaining:String = null)
Creates a new instance of a CheckForCompleteEvent object.
[override] Duplicates an instance of the event object.
[override] Returns a string containing all the properties of the CheckForCompleteEvent object.
Public Constants
 ConstantDefined By
  CHECK_FOR_COMPLETE : String = checkForComplete
[static] The CheckForCompleteEvent.CHECK_FOR_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a check for complete event object.
 InheritedCOMPLETE : String = complete
[static] The StoryboardEvent.COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a complete event object.
 InheritedCONTENT_LOAD_BEGIN : String = contentLoadBegin
[static] The StoryboardEvent.CONTENT_LOAD_BEGIN constant defines the value of the type property of a content load begin event object.
 InheritedCONTENT_LOAD_END : String = contentLoadEnd
[static] The StoryboardEvent.CONTENT_LOAD_END constant defines the value of the type property of a content load end event object.
 InheritedINITIALIZE : String = initialize
[static] The StoryboardEvent.INITIALIZE constant defines the value of the type property of a initialize event object.
 InheritedLOAD_COMPLETE : String = loadComplete
[static] The StoryboardEvent.LOAD_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a load event object.
 InheritedLOAD_START : String = loadStart
[static] The StoryboardEvent.LOAD_START constant defines the value of the type property of an load start event object.
 InheritedUNLOAD : String = unload
[static] The StoryboardEvent.UNLOAD constant defines the value of the type property of an unload event object.
Property Detail

The completion criteria not yet met by the storyboard.

All players that dispatch the CheckForCompleteEvent event object store the value of this property as the Storyboard object's completeRemaining persisted property when execution returns to the player. Always use the event's completeRemaining property value instead of the Storyboard object's completeRemaining persisted property.

    public function get completeRemaining():String
    public function set completeRemaining(value:String):void
completeWhen:String  [read-only]

The completion criteria required for the storyboard.

    public function get completeWhen():String
Constructor Detail
public function CheckForCompleteEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false, sb:Storyboard = null, completeWhen:String = null, completeRemaining:String = null)

Creates a new instance of a CheckForCompleteEvent object.

type:String — The type of the event. Event listeners can access this information through the inherited type property.
bubbles:Boolean (default = false) — Determines whether the event object participates in the bubbling phase of the event flow. Event listeners can access this information through the inheritied bubbles property.
cancelable:Boolean (default = false) — Determines whether the event object can be canceled. Event listeners can access this information through the inherited cancelable property.
sb:Storyboard (default = null) — The Storyboard object assigned to the target. Event listeners can access this information through the inherited sb property.
completeWhen:String (default = null) — The completion criteria required for the storyboard. Event listeners can access this information through the completeWhen property.
completeRemaining:String (default = null) — The completion criteria not yet met by the storyboard. Event listeners can access this information through the completeRemaining property.
Method Detail
override public function clone():Event

Duplicates an instance of the event object.

Returns a new CheckForCompleteEvent object that is a copy of the original instance of the CheckForCompleteEvent object. You do not normally call clone(); the EventDispatcher class calls it automatically when you redispatch an event--that is, when you call dispatchEvent(event) from a handler that is handling event.

Event — A new CheckForCompleteEvent object that is identical to the original.
override public function toString():String

Returns a string containing all the properties of the CheckForCompleteEvent object. The string is in the following format:

[CheckForCompleteEvent type=value bubbles=value cancelable=value eventPhase=value sb=value completeWhen=value completeRemaining=value]

String — A string containing all the properties of the CheckForCompleteEvent object.
Constant Detail
public static const CHECK_FOR_COMPLETE:String = checkForComplete

The CheckForCompleteEvent.CHECK_FOR_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a check for complete event object. This event has the following properties:

cancelablefalse; there is no default behavior to cancel.
currentTargetThe object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener.
targetThe object that raised the event.
sbThe Storyboard object assigned to the target.
completeWhenThe completion criteria required for the storyboard.
completeRemainingThe completion criteria not yet met by the storyboard.