Impression Consulting Services

Hit the ground running with help from the makers of Impression.

Logicdriven offers professional development and support services at competitive rates and can assist you at any stage of the production process.

Development Services

Runtime Engine Development

Work with us to define your requirements, provide us with any runtime-related media assets (buttons and borders) you have, and we’ll use the RTE DevKit to create a runtime to meet your needs. A basic runtime including most storyboard types and validating against the SCORM 1.2 or 2004 conformance test suite can usually be created in just a few days. If you need more than the basics, we can help. We can work with you to define new interaction types, alternative display mechanisms, integration and communication systems, and supporting tools and then build them to your specifications.

You’ll receive the complete, documented RTE source code, a CCT production framework (configured .MDB file, project properties XML file, and asset directory layout), configuration and deployment instructions, and project-specific instructions for your content creators and asset developers.

Simulation Development

Use Impression with external simulations or have us create them for you. We’ll define the simulation interface and control architecture and produce the management code. We can also create the simulation data model, processing logic, and visuals. We can develop authoring tools that will plug in directly to the CCT, minimizing content creator workload and speeding the production process.

As always, you’ll receive the complete source code, production framework, and documentation.

Impression Product Development

The sky’s the limit. If you have specific requirements, contact us and let us help you fit Impression to your needs.

Support Services

Production Environment Support

We can help you get your Impression installation up and running quickly. We can work with you to configure your SQL Server installation for use with the CCT, define production directories and recommend optimal production workflows, customize a content database for your specific project, create custom reports, and define runtime requirements and standards.

Impression Training

All training is done at your site and is priced at a flat rate, regardless of the number of attendees.

Impression for Content Developers

Overview of the Impression framework; content types; creating content with the CCT; production process best practices; administrative functions; using the ICMT.

Impression for Programmers

Introduction to the Runtime Engine Base Class Framework; MyShell sample code walkthrough; deployment options; SCORM and other LMS interfacing; creating stepped animations.

Advanced Programming Topics

Developing interactive Flash objects; two-way content interaction schemes; custom CCT reports and tools; advanced architectures; synchronous content views; simulation interfacing and development.